Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Created a Blog!!!

I finally created a blog. Why? There are a lot of little things on my mind that I'm going to put somewhere and share. Using my old website is a clumsy process and small updates take too long. In a matter of minutes, I can type something here and everything will organize and update itself. Less work for me!

This blog will not so much have a theme, but just a variety of topics. I will probably rant often about energy and what we need to change, and the same for transportation in this country since both are my areas of research for my MS in mechanical engineering here at ISU. I will also post about bicycling and any notable rides, and possibly race reports starting in 2008 when I hope to start competing. I'm sure there will be a lot of other postings on the subject of engineering, music, events, etc.

My inspiration to start this blog is mostly from a friend's blog, Iowa Dave. I have read his blog regularly for the past year or more and find it a neat way to communicate. Feel free to comment on my posts!

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